The Pinckney Green Fireplaces website automatically logs some information about visitors to the site (such as IP address), and some pages may also use cookies to store personalisation details for certain areas of the site. This information is held purely for system administration purposes.
Any personal details given on-line for the provision of a particular service, will be stored on a secure server. This data will be held and processed under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. Such information will not be shared with any third parties. We will not give information about you to anyone else, or use information about you for other purposes, unless your consent has been given or the law allows this.
Pinckney Green Fireplaces is committed to upholding the principles of the Data Protection Act, and will not process your information in a way incompatible with these principles.
This privacy statement only covers the Pinckney Green website at Other links within this site to other websites are not covered by this privacy statement.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small file, typically of letters and numbers, downloaded to your computer or device when you access certain websites. Cookies are then sent back to originating website on each subsequent visit. Currently across we make use of cookies to help manage our website and make it easier to use.
For more information on cookies visit